Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet-01 RRA Forms.pdfFact Sheet-02 Acreage Limitation Status.pdfFact Sheet-03 How to Become Subject to the Discretionary Provisions.pdfFact Sheet-04 Qualified Recipient Entitlements.pdfFact Sheet-05 Qualified Recipient RRA Forms.pdfFact Sheet-06 Limited Recipient Entitlements.pdfFact Sheet-07 Limited Recipient RRA Forms.pdfFact Sheet-08 Prior Law Recipient Entitlements.pdfFact Sheet-09 Prior Law Recipient RRA Forms.pdfFact Sheet-10 Signature Requirements for RRA Forms.pdfFact Sheet-11 Landholding Changes.pdfFact Sheet-12 Trusts and Estates.pdfFact Sheet-13 Involuntary Acquisitions.pdfFact Sheet-14 Appeal of Final Determinations.pdfFact Sheet-15 Leases and Farm Operating Arrangements.pdfFact Sheet-16 Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities.pdfFact Sheet-17 Excess Land.pdfrra_public_law_97-293.pdf